Monday, January 28, 2008

PolitiBits Launches, Looks to be Top Political Site

First POLITICO.. now PolitiBits.

The Tuscaloosa News's new political blog went live this week, just in time for the hype and excitement surrounding the Alabama Presidential Primary, which is just a week away.

As the candidates make their last-minute swings through the state, we now have a place to vent, rant and reflect about what the locals are saying about the candidates.

The TNews folks there have high hopes for the site becoming a "one-stop-shopping website for political news in Alabama."

I'm looking forward to seeing the active conversation on Politics on the blog, which is under the direction of newly-appointed online editor Tommy Stevenson.

In case you didn't know what POLITICO was, it's the political newspaper that launched a year ago as the new Democratic-controlled Congress began its term and President Bush was preparing to make his State of the Union address.

1 comment:

atrapp said...

Keep up the good work, George. I'll check back from time to time. --Angela (Williams) Trapp, your HU colleague