Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A Unique Evangelism Experience- The Billy Graham Library

CHARLOTTE-- Well, the chance to see the special place dedicated to the career of Billy Graham came at the end of the day this past Monday.

It's taken me two days to get around to capturing the 90-minute experience in a posting. But, it almost requires more than one posting to really recount what it was like on the grounds.

The first mistake I made was arriving too late in the day to have the necessary time to go through all the exhibits. I was expecting a place with lots of books and perhaps a few displays. What I got was by far the most state-of-the-art testimony to world evangelism that I have ever seen.

I stress testimony because that's what the library is really all about. When I went through the entrance, I was directed to an area where five people began to share their testimonies of how Jesus came into their lives.

A talking cow actually greeted me- talking about the days of Billy Graham on a milk farm. Then, the cow encouraged me to proceed to the theatre for the videos.

It turned out to be the first of at least 4 such theatres that are located throughout the library where you can hear the voice of The Rev. Billy Graham as a narrator explains the significance of that phase of Graham's ministry.

The two biggest things I remember from those exhibits were the film ventures that Rev. Graham started (didn't know that he was a filmmaker too) and the story of how he met his late wife, Ruth Bell.

For a moment, I thought -- well if Rev. Graham can have such an encounter that leads him to his wife, what can't I? It's all about trusting God.

At the end of the visit, the five people who shared their testimonies each come back and finish their stories and end with an invitation for those visiting to accept Christ.

We were given cards to express our interest in accepting Christ. I re-dedicated my life to Jesus Christ and there was a prayer partner there to pray with me over my decision.

You can't help but re-dedicate yourself to your own ministry when you go through something like the Billy Graham Library. I came away with a bag of literature to read -- and a couple of CDs.

One of the biggest takeaways was a copy of Graham's latest book, The Journey and the magazine of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

After I have read these resources, I want to go back to the Library for another visit soon.

1 comment:

. said...

Videos Billy Graham's sermons in France at Paris Bercy in 1986 on: