Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Second Favorite U.S. City-- Washington DC

WASHINGTON-- I have to say my hometown-- Richmond, Va. is my absolute favorite city. After all, it's where my roots are. But, by far, my second favorite city is Washington, DC.

After spending four years of my life-- some of the best years I might add-- here, there is nothing like being in the media capital of the world.

This view of Pennsylvania Avenue says it all.

To be able to catch a train and in minutes be on Capitol Hill or at the U.S. Supreme Court or sit in on a planning meeting for the next day's edition of The Washington Post, which was only a short walk from my dormitory during Freshman Year.

My rather last-minute decision to attend Howard University was, in part, due to my love for the media-- for journalism, for news and there's a lot of it in this town.

When I was here, I didn't have a car. so, I had to know how to use the Metrobus and Metrorail to get around. Low and behold today, I passed the G2 Bus. It's still called the G2 and it still runs between Howard University and Georgetown University.

I can remember having a couple of dates by bus. We went out for the evening to Georgetown.

Those were the days.

Almost everytime I come home to Richmond, I make time to venture up to my second-home to see what's happenin' -- usually on a Sunday morning for church here at Metropolitan Baptist Church in NW Washington, DC.

This Sunday was no different. After flying into Dulles (from Chicago), I stayed overnight and made my way to Sunday service and Sunday School at "Metropolitan."

Then, I couldn't be walking distance from the Howard U. campus with making a brief stop there. I took just a minute to talk on "the Yard" (a quadrangle on the main campus around which are the major academic buildings in the College of Liberal Arts.

And, wouldn't you know-- the 11 a.m. chime of Founder's Library Bell Tower -- just brought back memories of being here more than 16 years ago-- from 1988 to 1992.

I know I'm home when I'm here.

After brunch back at the hotel, my latest trip to the nation's capital ended with a
visit to the newest museum --- and the most relevant one for me-- the Newseum.

It's the world's biggest interactive museum-- a testament to journalism of the past, present and future.

What a site to behold. I am officially a member of the Newseum now. If time permits, I may even come back here later this week.

For now, I have a video by which to remember my virgin voyage. I posted it on my YouTube Channel.

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